While attempting to update or change permissions on shared folder I getting
the following error:
An error occurred while applying security information to
Failed to enumerate objects in the container. Access is denied.
Possible Cause
An error occurred while applying security information to
Failed to enumerate objects in the container. Access is denied.
Possible Cause
You have lost the ownership of the Folder (and or) subfolder within.
The permissions on folder have been changed.
In addition you might not be able to update the ownership in the “Advanced”
tab on the “security” properties of the folder.
Might be fix it
by doing the following:
-Open a Command Prompt "As Administrator"
-Run the following commands:
takeown /f Drive:\folder/r /d y
icacls Drive:\folder /grant administrators:F /T
-Open a Command Prompt "As Administrator"
-Run the following commands:
takeown /f Drive:\folder/r /d y
icacls Drive:\folder /grant administrators:F /T
takeown it’s the command (tool from ms dos)
to recover access to a files or folders that was denied by re-assigning
file/folder ownership.
/f parameter
that specify the Folder or filename.
Drive the
local or share folder drive letter.
\folder It’s
the share folder name or local folder name.
/r recursive,
instructs tool to operate in files in specified directory and all sub directories
/d Default
answer used when the current user does not have the "list folder"
permission on a directory. This occurs
while operating recursively (/R) on sub-directories. Valid values "Y"
to take ownership or "N" to skip.
y the
value for the recursively response.
icacls it’s the command (tool from ms dos) to grants
the specified user access rights.
:F Grant full access to specified folder.
/T Confirm this operation will apply to all files and folders
under specified folder.
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