viernes, 30 de septiembre de 2016

Power Vault 114X error code 6

Have this issue:

Tape loader Dell Power Vault 114X


ID error number 6 on display

This error number, means that device has a problem by ejecting the media tape.

Possible solutions:
1. Try to press and hold the EJECT button on the front of the library  (TIP: hold the button arround 15 to 20 seconds). Then, the led will start to blink in green, after that, release the EJECT button, and wait to the tape come out.

2. Power off  completelly the library, after power it up, the media ejection should perform automatically.

3. Power off the library, then open chassis and remove the SCSI cable, as soon as you power on, try to eject the media by pressing the eject button.

4. If any of these steps do no work, I strongly recommend to open a support case with Dell. Your  tape library must be under warranty.

After resolution, you might experience the C code.

This means that needs a cleaning process, you can perform this action by placing a cleanning cartridge like this.

                                                                               As always, any comment its very welcome.

miércoles, 7 de septiembre de 2016

An error occurred while applying security information

While attempting to update or change permissions on shared folder I getting the following error:

An error occurred while applying security information to
Failed to enumerate objects in the container. Access is denied.

Possible Cause
You have lost the ownership of the Folder (and or) subfolder within.
The permissions on folder have been changed.
In addition you might not be able to update the ownership in the “Advanced” tab on the “security” properties of the folder.

Might be fix it by doing the following:
-Open a Command Prompt "As Administrator"
-Run the following commands:
takeown /f Drive:\folder/r /d y
         icacls Drive:\folder /grant administrators:F /T

takeown it’s the command (tool from ms dos) to recover access to a files or folders that was denied by re-assigning file/folder ownership.
/f            parameter that specify the Folder or filename.
Drive     the local or share folder drive letter.
\folder  It’s the share folder name or local folder name.
/r           recursive, instructs tool to operate in files in specified directory and all sub directories
/d           Default answer used when the current user does not have the "list folder" permission on a directory.  This occurs while operating recursively (/R) on sub-directories. Valid values "Y" to take ownership or "N" to skip.
y             the value for the recursively response.

icacls it’s the command (tool from ms dos) to grants the specified user access rights.
               :F            Grant full access to specified folder.

               /T           Confirm this operation will apply to all files and folders under specified folder.

An error occurred while applying security information

While attempting to update or change permissions on shared folder I getting the following error:

An error occurred while applying security information to
Failed to enumerate objects in the container. Access is denied.

Possible Cause
You have lost the ownership of the Folder (and or) subfolder within.
The permissions on folder have been changed.
In addition you might not be able to update the ownership in the “Advanced” tab on the “security” properties of the folder.

Might be fix it by doing the following:
-Open a Command Prompt "As Administrator"
-Run the following commands:
takeown /f Drive:\folder/r /d y
         icacls Drive:\folder /grant administrators:F /T

takeown it’s the command (tool from ms dos) to recover access to a files or folders that was denied by re-assigning file/folder ownership.
/f            parameter that specify the Folder or filename.
Drive     the local or share folder drive letter.
\folder  It’s the share folder name or local folder name.
/r           recursive, instructs tool to operate in files in specified directory and all sub directories
/d           Default answer used when the current user does not have the "list folder" permission on a directory.  This occurs while operating recursively (/R) on sub-directories. Valid values "Y" to take ownership or "N" to skip.
y             the value for the recursively response.

icacls it’s the command (tool from ms dos) to grants the specified user access rights.
               :F            Grant full access to specified folder.

               /T           Confirm this operation will apply to all files and folders under specified folder.

lunes, 5 de septiembre de 2016

VMWare Host Balancing - moving a host within VMWare cluster

Reciently have the need to balance of the virtual machines load into the VMWare host (cluster) so, here is one way to move a virtual machine from one host to another into a WM Ware cluster environment.
Conventionally named: vmware host load balancing

Try the following steps:

- Log into Vcenter, select Hosts,
- Select the vmware host, will display the virtual machines.

- Select the virtual machine to migrate.
For this example, I have select the EXCHANGE server:

Recientemente ha surgido la necesidad de balancear la carga de maquinas virutales en el cluster de wmware así que, aquí una manera de mover una maquina virutal dentro de un servidor wmware a otro en un ambiente de "cluster".
Usualmente llamado: balanceo de carga de servidores en vmware.

Intenta los siguientes pasos:
- Accede a Vcenter y selecciona el servidor a migrar.
- Selecciona el servidor de vwmare, esto desplegara las maquinas virtuales que contiene.
- Selecciona el servidor que se desea migrar.
Para este ejemplo, yo he seleccionado el servidor de correo de EXCHANGE.
Select from drop down button menu Actions or right click of the mouse on the VM´s name, select the option Migrate

Selecciona la opción Migrar ubicada en el menú Acciones o dar clic en el botón derecho del ratón sobre el servidor que se desea migrar.

Click in the Next button to move forward through the wizzard according to the following options:
- Select ESX destination cluster
Dar clic en el boton siguiente para seguir las instrucciones en dentro del asistente de migracion de acuerdo a las siguientes opciones:
- Selecciona el cluster ESX destino
 - Select the ESX cluster server:
At this point, select the cluster server where you previously identify that have enough capacity in order to balance the host loads (for this exaple, will use EXS03 server)...
 - Selecciona el servidor cluster del ESX:
en este punto, seleccionar el servidor del cluster donde previamente se tenga identificado que hay la suficiente capacidad para balancear la carga de servidores virtuales(para este ejemplo se usara el servidor ESX03).

-  At this point, the vMotion feature will ask to confirm the motion priority, usually select "Recommended" option.
En este punto, la opcion del vMotion de WMware preguntara sobre la confirmacion de la prioridad del movimiento, usualmente seleccionar la opcion "Recomendado"

- At last, the migration display a resume of the action in progress, this confirms the server name, and vmware host. By clicking the "finish" the action will completes.
- Al final, la herramienta muestra un resumen de las acciones en progreso, este pide confirmar el nombre del servidor a migrar, y el servidor de wmware. Al presionar el botón "finalizar", la acción sera completada.

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